\name{testGagglePackage} \alias{testGagglePackage} \title{Run unit tests for the Gaggle Package} \description{There are five data types supported in the Gaggle: \enumerate{ \item nameLists \item matrices \item networks \item tuples (environments in R) \item clusters (typically, row names and associated column names, selecting a submatix) } A good test of an installation, therfore, is to send each of these data types from R to an \sQuote{echo goose}, and to make sure that the returned data is identical to that which was sent out. This function loads the \code{RUnit} package, assumes that a boss and echo goose are running and properly configured, then calls one function for each data type. Procedure: \enumerate{ \item Browse to http://gaggle.systemsbiology.net/projects/rValidation \item start the Gaggle Boss \item start the echo goose \item (back in R): testGagglePackage () } For more details, please examine the source: unitTests/gaggleTest.R. } \usage{testGagglePackage ()} \value{the status of the last test} \keyword{utilities}