\name{geese} \alias{geese} \title{What Geese (Programs) are Currently Running in the Gaggle?} \description{Data can be broadcast to, or recevied from, any program currently running in the Gaggle. You can broadcast to \code{boss} or to \code{all}, and let the current Boss settings determine which geese get the data. Or you can use \code{setTargetGoose} to specify one particular goose -- this is the most common approach. The current function supports that approach: it returns the names of all currently running geese.} \usage{geese ()} \value{Returns the names of all currently running geese as a list of character strings.} \seealso{ \code{\link{setTargetGoose}}. \code{\link{getTargetGoose}}. \code{\link{broadcast}}. } \keyword{manip}