\name{summary-methods} \docType{methods} \alias{summary} \alias{summary-methods} \alias{summary,INI_Calls-method} \title{Summary of I/NI-calls} \description{ This function determinates the percentage of informative genes of a given instance of of \code{\link{INI_Calls-class}} which has been summarized by \code{\link{expFarms}}, \code{\link{qFarms}} or \code{\link{lFarms}} before.} \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{\code{signature(object = "INI_Calls")}}{An instance of \code{\link[farms]{INI_Calls-class}}. } }} \usage{\S4method{summary}{INI_Calls}(object,...)} \arguments{ \item{object}{An instance of \code{\link{INI_Calls-class}} .} \item{...}{extra arguments to pass to the respective function} } \value{\code{\link[Biobase]{exprSet-class}}} \seealso{\code{\link{expFarms}}, \code{\link{qFarms}},\code{\link{lFarms}},\code{\link{plot}},\code{\link{INIcalls}}} \examples{ data(testAffyBatch) eset <- expFarms(testAffyBatch, bgcorrect.method = "rma", pmcorrect.method = "pmonly", normalize.method = "constant") INIs <- INIcalls(eset) # apply I/NI calls summary(INIs) plot(INIs) # draws a density plot of I/NI-calls I_data <- getI_Eset(INIs) # affybatch containing only informative probe sets NI_data <- getNI_Eset(INIs) # affybatch containing only non-informative probe sets I_probes <- getI_ProbeSets(INIs) # vector containing only informative probe sets names NI_probes <- getNI_ProbeSets(INIs) # vector containing only non-informative probe sets names } \keyword{manip} \keyword{methods}