\name{thinCounts} \alias{thinCounts} \title{Binomial Thinning of Counts} \description{ Reduce the size of Poisson-like counts by binomial thinning. } \usage{thinCounts(x, prob=0.5)} \arguments{ \item{x}{numeric vector or array of non-negative integers.} \item{prob}{numeric scalar or vector, the expected proportion of the counts to keep.} } \value{ A vector or array of the same dimensions as \code{x}, with thinned counts. } \details{ This function calls \code{rbinom} with \code{size=x} and \code{prob=prob} to generate the new counts. } \author{Gordon Smyth} \examples{ x <- rpois(10,lambda=10) thinCounts(x) } \keyword{models}