\name{getOffsets} \alias{getOffsets} \title{Extract Vector of Offsets from DGEList Object} \description{Returns the \code{lib.size} component of the \code{samples} component of DGEList object multiplied by the \code{norm.factors} component} \usage{ getOffsets(object) } \arguments{ \item{object}{\code{DGEList} object containing (at least) the elements \code{counts} (table of raw counts), \code{group} (factor indicating group) and \code{samples}, which contains \code{lib.size} (numeric vector of library sizes) and \code{norm.factors} (numeric vector of normalization factors).} } \value{\code{getOffsets} returns a numeric vector } \author{Gordon Smyth, Davis McCarthy} \examples{ # generate raw counts from NB, create list object y<-matrix(rnbinom(20,size=1,mu=10),nrow=5) d<-DGEList(counts=y,group=rep(1:2,each=2),lib.size=rep(c(1000:1001),2)) getOffsets(d) } \seealso{ \code{\link{DGEList}} for more information about the \code{DGEList} class. \code{\link{as.matrix.DGEList}}. } \keyword{file}