\name{dataSource} \alias{dataSource} \title{Contructor for annotation object} \description{ This function creates the necessary annotation object of class \code{ipDataSource} containing the pathway and InterPro ID mappings. } \usage{ dataSource(mapping, type = "generic") } \arguments{ \item{mapping}{A named list providing a mapping between enterzgene identifiers and arbitrary groupings of genes or pathways.} \item{type}{The type of pathway. A character skalar.} } \details{ For genes without pathway membership, \code{NA} list items need to be included in \code{mapping}. The names of the list comprise the gene universe to test against. The function will access the ensembl \code{biomaRt} database in order to retrieve the necessary InterPro domain information. } \value{ Object of class \code{ipDataSource} } \author{Florian Hahne} \seealso{\code{\link{gseDomain}}, \code{\link{getKEGGdata}}} \examples{ if(interactive()) { grouping <- list("653361"=c("pw1", "pw2"), "729230"="pw1", "415117"="pw3") dataSource(grouping) } } \keyword{IO}