\name{sample.CNSet} \alias{sample.CNSet} \alias{cnSet} \docType{data} \title{ Object of class 'CNSet' } \description{ The data for the first 16 polymorphic markers in the HapMap analysis. } \details{ This object was created from the copynumber vignette in inst/scripts. } \usage{data(sample.CNSet)} \format{ The data illustrates the \code{CNSet-class}, with \code{assayData} containing the quantile-normalized intensities for the A and B alleles, genotype calls and confidence scores. New slots that specific to copy number estimation are \code{batch} and \code{batchStatistics}. } \examples{ data(sample.CNSet) ## -------------------------------------------------- ## accessors for the feature-level info ## -------------------------------------------------- chromosome(cnSet)[1:5] position(cnSet)[1:5] isSnp(cnSet)[1:5] table(isSnp(cnSet)) ## -------------------------------------------------- ## sample-level statistics computed by crlmm ## -------------------------------------------------- varLabels(cnSet) ## accessors for sample-level statistics ## The signal to noise ratio (SNR) cnSet$SNR[1:5] ## the skew cnSet$SKW[1:5] ## the gender (gender is imputed unless specified in the call to crlmm) table(cnSet$gender) ## 1=male, 2=female ## -------------------------------------------------- ## batchStatistics ## -------------------------------------------------- estimate of ## intercept from linear model dim(nu(cnSet, "A")) ## background for the A allele in the 2 batches for the ## first 5 markers nu(cnSet, "A")[1:5, ] ## background for the B allele in the 2 batches for the ## first 5 markers nu(cnSet, "B")[1:5, ] ## the slope phi(cnSet, "A")[1:5, ] ## correlation within genotype cluster AA ##corr(cnSet, "AA")[1:5, ] #### correlation within genotype cluster AB ##corr(cnSet, "AB")[1:5, ] #### correlation within genotype cluster BB ##corr(cnSet, "BB")[1:5, ] ## -------------------------------------------------- ## -------------------------------------------------- ## calculating allele-specific copy number ## -------------------------------------------------- ## copy number for allele A, first 5 markers, first 2 samples (ca <- CA(cnSet, i=1:5, j=1:2)) ## copy number for allele B, first 5 markers, first 2 samples (cb <- CB(cnSet, i=1:5, j=1:2)) ## total copy number for first 5 markers, first 2 samples (cn1 <- ca+cb) ## total copy number at first 5 nonpolymorphic loci index <- which(!isSnp(cnSet))[1:5] cn2 <- CA(cnSet, i=index, j=1:2) ## note, cb is NA at nonpolymorphic loci (cb <- CB(cnSet, i=index, j=1:2)) ## note, ca+cb will give NAs at nonpolymorphic loci CA(cnSet, i=index, j=1:2) + cb ## A shortcut for total copy number cn3 <- totalCopynumber(cnSet, i=1:5, j=1:2) all.equal(cn3, cn1) cn4 <- totalCopynumber(cnSet, i=index, j=1:2) all.equal(cn4, cn2) ## markers 1-5, all samples cn5 <- totalCopynumber(cnSet, i=1:5) ## all markers, samples 1-5 cn6 <- totalCopynumber(cnSet, j=1:5) } \keyword{datasets}