\name{copynumberAccessors} \alias{CA} \alias{CB} \alias{nuA} \alias{nuB} \alias{phiA} \alias{phiB} \alias{totalCopynumber} \alias{rawCopynumber} \title{ Accessors for allele-specific or total copy number } \description{ These methods can be applied after an object of class \code{CNSet} has been generated by the \code{crlmmCopynumber} function. } \usage{ CA(object, ...) CB(object, ...) nuA(object) nuB(object) phiA(object) phiB(object) totalCopynumber(object,...) rawCopynumber(object,...) } \arguments{ \item{object}{ An object of class \code{CNSet}.} \item{\dots}{ An additional argument named 'i' can be passed to subset the markers and an argument 'j' can be passed to subset the samples. Other arguments are ignored. } } \details{ At polymorphic markers, nuA and nuB provide the intercept coefficient (the estimated background intensity) for the A and B alleles, respectively. phiA and phiB provide the slope coefficients for the A and B alleles, respectively. At nonpolymorphic markers, nuB and phiB are 'NA'. These functions can be used to tranlate the normalized intensities to the copy number scale. Plotting the copy number estimates as a function of physical position can be used to guide downstream algorithms that smooth, as well as to assess possible mosaicism. } \value{ nu[A/B] and phi[A/B] return matrices of the intercept and slope coefficients, respectively. CA and CB return matrices of allele-specific copy number. totalCopynumber (or rawCopynumber) returns a matrix of CA+CB. } \seealso{ \code{\link{crlmmCopynumber}}, \code{\link{CNSet-class}} } \examples{ ## Version 1.6* of crlmm used CNSetLM objects. data(sample.CNSet) all(isCurrent(cnSet)) ## is the cnSet object current? ## -------------------------------------------------- ## calculating allele-specific copy number ## -------------------------------------------------- ## copy number for allele A, first 5 markers, first 2 samples (ca <- CA(cnSet, i=1:5, j=1:2)) ## copy number for allele B, first 5 markers, first 2 samples (cb <- CB(cnSet, i=1:5, j=1:2)) ## total copy number for first 5 markers, first 2 samples (cn1 <- ca+cb) ## total copy number at first 5 nonpolymorphic loci index <- which(!isSnp(cnSet))[1:5] cn2 <- CA(cnSet, i=index, j=1:2) ## note, cb is NA at nonpolymorphic loci (cb <- CB(cnSet, i=index, j=1:2)) ## note, ca+cb will give NAs at nonpolymorphic loci CA(cnSet, i=index, j=1:2) + cb ## A shortcut for total copy number cn3 <- totalCopynumber(cnSet, i=1:5, j=1:2) all.equal(cn3, cn1) cn4 <- totalCopynumber(cnSet, i=index, j=1:2) all.equal(cn4, cn2) ## markers 1-5, all samples cn5 <- totalCopynumber(cnSet, i=1:5) ## all markers, samples 1-5 cn6 <- totalCopynumber(cnSet, j=1:5) ## NOTE: subsetting the object before extracting copy number ## can be very inefficient when the data set is very large, ## particularly if using ff objects. IN particular, subsetting ## the CNSet object will subset all of the assay data elements ## and all of the elements in the LinearModelParameter slot \dontrun{ ## do not do the following cn <- CA(cnSet[1:5, ], "A") } } \keyword{manip}