\name{signalplots} \alias{signalplots} \alias{SDplot} \alias{MAplot} \title{ plot variation vs signal intensity } \description{ plots the variation of replicates vs the mean intensity either by within screen replicate separatly or over all screen replicates. } \usage{ SDplot(df, xlab="intensity mean",ylab="sd",add=FALSE,main,...) MAplot(df, main,rank=FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{df}{ \code{df} dataframe created by cellHTS2df function } \item{main}{ \code{main} character string to be used as main title } \item{xlab}{ \code{xlab} label for x-axis } \item{ylab}{ \code{ylab} label for y-axis } \item{add}{ \code{add} logical, should result be added to existing plot } \item{rank}{ \code{rank} if TRUE the rank of the average intensities will be used } \item{...}{ \code{...} further arguments to be passed to the plot function. } } \value{ plot } \author{ Elin Axelsson } \seealso{ \code{\link{plot}} } \examples{ data(screen1_raw) df=cellHTS2df(screen1_raw,neutral="Fluc") MAplot(df,main="raw data") SDplot(df,main="raw data") }