\name{plotEvalIc} \alias{plotEvalIc} \title{Creates a plot with known regions and a numeric vector} \usage{ plotEvalIc(object, segments, chrom, variable, ylim, ylab = "CN indicator", stripCol = "lightgray", regionCol = rgb(130, 0, 139, max = 255), pointSize = 0.75, pointType = 4, bandwidth = c(0.01, 1000), nbin = 100) } \arguments{ \item{object}{an instance of \code{\link[Biobase:ExpressionSet-class]{ExpressionSet}}} \item{segments}{A data.frame with known regions.} \item{chrom}{the chromosome.} \item{variable}{The numeric vector which should be plotted.} \item{ylim}{the limits of the y axis.} \item{ylab}{the ylab from function par.} \item{stripCol}{color of points.} \item{regionCol}{color of regions.} \item{pointSize}{size of the points.} \item{pointType}{type of the points.} \item{bandwidth}{for the color of the plot.} \item{nbin}{number of bins for the coloring.} } \value{ Some data } \description{ Creates a plot with known regions and a numeric vector } \examples{ load(system.file("exampleData/slData.RData", package="cn.farms")) load(system.file("exampleData/testSegments.RData", package="cn.farms")) plotEvalIc(slData, featureData(testSegments)@data, variable=assayData(slData)$L_z[, 1], 23) } \author{ Andreas Mitterecker }