\name{plotUncertainty} \alias{plotUncertainty} \title{ Plot posterior probabilities of genotype assignment } \description{ The chopsticks package allows for storage of uncertain genotype assignments in a one byte "raw" variable. The probabilities of assignment form a three-vector subject to the linear constraint that they sum to 1.0 and their possible values are grouped into 253 different classes. This function displays counts of these classes on a two-dimensional isometric plot. } \usage{ plotUncertainty(snp, nlevels = 10, color.palette = heat.colors(nlevels)) } \arguments{ \item{snp}{ One or more columns of a \code{snp.matrix} object } \item{nlevels}{ Probability cells are coloured according to frequency. This argument gives the number of colours that can be used } \item{color.palette}{ The colour palette to be used } } \details{ The plot takes the form of an equilateral triangle in which the three apexes represent certain assignments to the three genotypes. A point within the triangle represents, by the perpendicular distance from each side, the three probabilities. Each of the 253 probability classes is represented by a hexagonal cell, coloured according to its frequency in the data, which is also written within the cell } \author{David Clayton \email{david.clayton@cimr.cam.ac.uk}} \examples{ ## No example available yet } \keyword{hplot}