\name{families} \alias{families} \alias{genotypes} \alias{pedfile} \docType{data} \title{Test data for family association tests} \description{ These data started life as real data derived from an affected sibling pair study of type 1 diabetes. However, original subject and SNP identidiers have been replaced by randomly chosen ones. } \usage{data(families)} \format{ There are two objects in the loaded data file: \itemize{ \item \code{genotypes}: An object of class \code{"\link[=snp.matrix-class]{snp.matrix}"} containing the SNP genotype data for both parents and affected offspring \item \code{pedfile}: A data frame containing the standard six fields for a \emph{LINKAGE} pedfile. The are named \code{familyid}, \code{member}, \code{father}, \code{mother} \code{sex}, and \code{affected} } The two objects are linked by common row names. } \details{ Coding in the \code{pedfile} frame is as in the \emph{LINKAGE} package, except that missing data are coded \code{NA} rather than zero } \examples{ data(families) summary(genotypes) summary(pedfile) } \keyword{datasets}