\name{Fst} \alias{Fst} \title{ Calculate fixation indices } \description{ This function calculates the fixation index Fst for each SNP, together with its weight in the overall estimate (as used by the Internation HapMap Consortium). } \usage{ Fst(snps, group) } \arguments{ \item{snps}{an object of class \code{snp.matrix} or \code{X.snp.matrix} containing the SNP data} \item{group}{a factor (or object than can be coerced into a factor), of length equal to the number of rows of \code{snps}, giving the grouping or rows for which the Fst is to be calculated} } \value{ A list: \describe{ \item{Fst}{Fst values for each SNP} \item{weight}{The weights for combining these into a single index} } } \note{Uncertain genotypes are treated as missing } \author{David Clayton \email{david.clayton@cimr.cam.ac.uk} } \examples{ ## Analysis of some HapMap data data(for.exercise) f <- Fst(snps.10, subject.support$stratum) weighted.mean(f$Fst, f$weight) } \keyword{univar}