\name{diffPeakSummary} \alias{diffPeakSummary} \alias{diffPeakSummary,RleViewsList,RleViewsList-method} \title{ A function to identify and produce summary statistics for differentially expressed peaks. } \description{ Given two sets of peaks, this function combines them and summarizes the individual coverage vectors under the combined peak set. } \usage{ diffPeakSummary(ranges1, ranges2, viewSummary = list(sums = viewSums, maxs = viewMaxs)) } \arguments{ \item{ranges1}{ First set of peaks (typically an \code{\link[IRanges:RleViewsList-class]{RleViewsList}}).} \item{ranges2}{ Second set of peaks (typically an \code{\link[IRanges:RleViewsList-class]{RleViewsList}}).} \item{viewSummary}{ A list of the per peak summary functions. } } \value{ A \code{data.frame} with one row for each peak in the combined data. The chromosome, start and stop nucleotide positions (+ strand) are given as are the summary statistics requested. } \author{ D. Sarkar } \examples{ data(cstest) library(BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm9) seqlevels(cstest) <- seqlevels(Mmusculus) seqlengths(cstest) <- seqlengths(Mmusculus) ## find peaks findPeaks <- function(reads) { reads.ext <- resize(reads, width = 200) slice(coverage(reads.ext), lower = 8) } peakSummary <- diffPeakSummary(findPeaks(cstest$gfp), findPeaks(cstest$ctcf)) }