\name{methp} \alias{methp} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ Estimate DNA methylation } \description{ Estimate DNA methylation from McrBC/CHARM microarray data in terms of log-ratios or percentages. } \usage{ methp(dat, spatial = TRUE, bgSubtract = TRUE, withinSampleNorm = "loess", scale = c(0.99, 0.99), betweenSampleNorm = "quantile", controlProbes = c("CONTROL_PROBES", "CONTROL_REGIONS"), controlIndex = NULL, excludeIndex = NULL, commonMethPercentParams = NULL, verbose = TRUE, returnM = FALSE, plotDensity = NULL, plotDensityGroups = NULL) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{dat}{ a TilingFeatureSet object } \item{spatial}{ boolean indicating whether to correct spatial artefacts } \item{bgSubtract}{ boolean indicating whether to estimate and remove background signal before computing log-ratios } \item{withinSampleNorm}{ within-sample normalization method. Choices are "loess" and "none". "loess" uses the control-probe loess procedure described in Aryee et al., 2001 (PMID: 20858772). } \item{scale}{ a numeric vector (x,y). The xth percentile of each sample is scaled to represent y\% methylation. The default c(0.99, 0.99) means probes in the 99\% percentile represent 99\% methylation. } \item{betweenSampleNorm}{ between-sample normalization method. Choices are "quantile", "sqn", and "none". See Details for more fine-grained control. } \item{controlProbes}{ character string of the label assigned to non-CpG control probes in the annotation file (i.e. the container column of the .ndf file). } \item{controlIndex}{ a vector of non-CpG control probe indices } \item{excludeIndex}{ a vector of probe indices indicating which pm probes to ignore when creating normalization target distributions. } \item{commonMethPercentParams}{ boolean indicating whether a common set of parameters should be used for all samples when converting M-values to percentage methylation. } \item{verbose}{ boolean: Verbose output? } \item{returnM}{ boolean. Return M-values without converting to percentage methylation estimates } \item{plotDensity}{ if specified this is the filename of the pdf diagnostic density plots. } \item{plotDensityGroups}{ numeric vector of group labels used to color lines in the diagnostic density plots (see plotDensity option) } } \details{ This function provides probe-level estimates of percentage DNA methylation from CHARM microarray data. } \value{ A matrix of probe-level percentage methylation estimates, one column per sample. } \author{ Martin Aryee } \seealso{ \code{\link{readCharm}} } \examples{ # See dmrFdr }