\name{insertBeadData} \alias{insertBeadData} \alias{removeBeadData} \title{ Add, modify or remove data in a beadLevelData object } \description{ Add, modify or remove data in a \code{\link[=beadLevelData-class]{beadLevelData}} object. } \usage{ insertBeadData(BLData, array = 1, what, data) removeBeadData(BLData, array = 1, what) } \arguments{ \item{BLData}{ An object of class \code{\link{beadLevelData-class}}. } \item{array}{ Positive integer specifying what section should be modified. } \item{what}{ Name of the data that is being modified. If `what' doesn't exist then a new entry is created using the name specified in this argument. } \item{data}{ A numeric vector to be stored, the same length as the number of beads in the section specified by the array argument. } } \details{ These functions allow the \code{beadData} slot of the \code{\link{beadLevelData-class}} object to be modified for a given array. } \value{ Returns an object of class \code{\link{beadLevelData-class}}. } \author{ Mike Smith } \keyword{IO}