\name{BeadLevelList-class} \docType{class} \alias{BeadLevelList-class} %\alias{BeadLevelList} \alias{arrayNames,BeadLevelList-method} \alias{getArrayData,BeadLevelList-method} \title{Class "BeadLevelList" } \description{ A class for storing red and green channel foreground and background intensities from an Illumina experiment. } \section{Objects from the Class}{ Objects can be created by calls of the form \code{new("BeadLevelList")}, but are usually created by \code{\link{readIllumina}}. } \section{Slots/List Components}{ Objects of this class contain the following slots \tabular{ll}{ \code{beadData}:\tab an environment for storing the raw bead-level data. Each row correspond to a bead and columns the data.\cr \code{phenoData}:\tab an 'AnnotatedDataFrame' containing experimental information.\cr \code{arrayInfo}:\tab a list containing array information.\cr \code{annotation}:\tab character storing annotation package information.\cr } } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{\code{arrayNames(object,arrays=NULL)}}{Returns the strip/array names from a \code{BeadLevelList} object for selected \code{arrays}} \item{\code{getArrayData(object,what="G",log=TRUE)}}{Retrieves the \code{what} intensities on the \code{log} scale from the \code{BeadLevelList}} } } \author{Mark Dunning and Matt Ritchie} \keyword{classes}