\name{beadarrayUsersGuide} \alias{beadarrayUsersGuide} \title{View beadarray User's Guide} \description{ Finds the location of the beadarray User's Guide and opens it. } \usage{ beadarrayUsersGuide(view=TRUE, topic="beadlevel") } \arguments{ \item{view}{logical, should the document be opened using the default PDF document reader? (default is \code{TRUE})} \item{topic}{character string specifying topic (\code{"beadlevel"}, \code{"beadsummary"} or \code{"BASH"})} } \details{ The function \code{vignette("beadarray")} will find the short beadarray vignette which describes how to obtain the more detailed user's guide on the analysis of raw \code{"beadlevel"} data, \code{"beadsummary"} data or how to use the \code{"BASH"} method for detecting spatial artefacts. } \value{Character string giving the file location.} \author{Matt Ritchie} \examples{ beadarrayUsersGuide(view=FALSE) beadarrayUsersGuide(view=FALSE, topic="beadsummary") } \keyword{documentation}