\name{buildCorMatrix} \alias{buildCorMatrix} \title{ Internal function - builds the correlation matrix between an average transcriptional module expression profile and a set of other genes. } \description{ Internal function - builds the correlation matrix between an average transcriptional module expression profile and a set of other genes. } \usage{ buildCorMatrix(dat.fr, module.genes, cor.cutoff) } \arguments{ \item{dat.fr}{ a \code{matrix} object of gene expression values. } \item{module.genes}{ character vector specifying genes that belong in this pathway module. } \item{cor.cutoff}{ numeric value specifying the correlation cut-off. } } \details{ This function is called internally by \code{findCorrPartners} which is easier for the user to call since \code{findCorrPartners} uses the SynExpressionSet and ExpressionSet class objects directly. } \value{ A character vector of genes that meet the correlation cut-off. } \author{ Jessica Mar } \examples{ \dontrun{ data(subset.loring.eset) attractor.states <- findAttractors(subset.loring.eset, "celltype", nperm=10, annotation="illuminaHumanv1.db") remove.these.genes <- removeFlatGenes(subset.loring.eset, "celltype", contrasts=NULL, limma.cutoff=0.05) mapk.syn <- findSynexprs("04010", attractor.states, remove.these.genes) cormat <- buildCorMatrix(exprs(subset.loring.eset), mapk.syn, 0.95) } } \keyword{internal}