\name{getQueryLink} \alias{getQueryLink} \alias{getQuery4UG} \alias{getQuery4SP} \alias{getQuery4OMIM} \alias{getQuery4LL} \alias{getQuery4GB} \alias{getQuery4Affy} \alias{getQuery4FB} \alias{getQuery4EN} \alias{getCells} \alias{getTDRows} \alias{getQuery4TR} \alias{getQuery4ENSEMBL} \title{Functions to create hypertext links that can be placed in a table cell of a HTML file } \description{ Given a vector of ids, the functions will create a vector of hypertext links to a defined public repositories such as LocusLink, UniGene .... The linkages can be placed in a html file constructed by \code{\link{htmlpage}.} } \usage{ getQueryLink(ids, repository = "ug", ...) getTDRows(ids, repository = "ug", ...) getCells(ids, repository = "ug", ...) getQuery4LL(ids, ...) getQuery4UG(ids, ...) getQuery4SP(ids, ...) getQuery4GB(ids, ...) getQuery4OMIM(ids, ...) getQuery4Affy(ids, ...) getQuery4FB(ids, ...) getQuery4EN(ids, ...) getQuery4TR(ids, ...) getQuery4ENSEMBL(ids, ...) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{ids}{ A character vector of ids, or alternatively, a list containing character vectors of ids. These will be used to construct hypertext links. A list should be used in cases where there are multiple ids per gene.} \item{repository}{ A character string for the name of a public repository. Valid values include "ll", "ug", "gb", "sp", "omim", "affy", "en", and "fb". See the details section for more information. } \item{...}{Allows end user to pass additional arguments. See details for \code{\link{getQuery4ENSEMBL}} for more information.} } \details{ \code{\link{getQuery4LL}} constructs hypertext links to LocusLink using the provided ids. \code{\link{getQuery4GB}} constructs hypertext links to GenBank using the provided ids. \code{\link{getQuery4UG}} constructs hypertext links to UniGene using the provided ids. \code{\link{getQuery4Affy}} constructs hypertext links to Affymetrix using the provided ids. \code{\link{getQuery4SP}} constructs hypertext links to SwissProt using the provided ids. \code{\link{getQuery4OMIM}} constructs hypertext links to OMIM using the provided ids. \code{\link{getQuery4FB}} constructs hypertext links to FlyBase using the provided ids. \code{\link{getQuery4EN}} constructs hypertext links to EntrezGene using the provided ids. This supercedes \code{getQuery4LL}, as LocusLink has been deprecated by NCBI. \code{\link{getQuery4TR}} constructs hypertext links to TAIR using the provided ids. \code{\link{getQuery4ENSEMBL}} constructs hypertext links to Ensembl using the provided ids. An additional 'species' argument must be passed to this function via the \code{...} argument to \code{htmlpage}. The form of the argument must be e.g., species="Homo_sapiens" for human. Note the capitalized genus and underscore (_) separator. \code{\link{getQueryLink}} directs calls to construct hypertext links using the provided ids. \code{\link{getTDRows}} constructs each row of the resulting table. \code{\link{getCells}} constructs each cell of the resulting table. Note that some of these functions (\code{getQuery4OMIM}, \code{getQuery4UG}, \code{getQuery4LL}), \code{getQuery4FB} attempt to return empty cells for ids that don't make sense, rather than broken links. For the other getQuery4XX functions, the end user must replace all nonsense ids with " " in order to have an empty cell. Also note that creating additional links is quite simple. First, define a new 'getQuery4XX()' function modeled on the existing functions, then add this function to the \code{getQueryLink} function. } \value{ Returns a vector of character strings representing the hypertext links. } \author{ Jianhua Zhang with further modifications by James W. MacDonald } \keyword{ manip }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line