\name{blastSequences} \alias{blastSequences} \title{ Run a blast query to NCBI for either a string or an entrez gene ID and then return a series of MultipleAlignment objects. } \description{ This function sends a query to NCBI as a string of sequence or an entrez gene ID and then returns a series of MultipleAlignment objects. } \usage{ blastSequences(x, database, hitListSize, filter, expect, program) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ A sequence as a character vector or an integer corresponding to an entrez gene ID. } \item{database}{ Which NCBI database to use. } \item{hitListSize}{ } \item{filter}{ } \item{expect}{ How many hits do you hope to get back, this will put a limit on the amount. } \item{program}{ Which program do you want to use for blast. Default value is blastn. } } \details{ Right now the function only works for "blastn". } \value{ a series of MultipleAlignment objects of the appropriate type. } \author{ M. Carlson } \examples{ ## x can be an entrez gene ID blastSequences(17702) ## or x can be a sequence blastSequences(x = "GGCCTTCATTTACCCAAAATG") ## hitListSize does not promise that you will get the number of matches you ## want.. It will just try to get that many. blastSequences(x = "GGCCTTCATTTACCCAAAATG", hitListSize="20") }