\name{ACCNUMStats} \alias{ACCNUMStats} \alias{whatACC} \title{Provides statistics on the types of ids used for the ACCNUM environment of a given data package} \description{ Given a data package name, ACCNUMStats counts how many of the probe ids are mapped to GenBank Accession numbers, UniGene ids, RefSeq ids, or Image clone ids. } \usage{ ACCNUMStats(pkgName) whatACC(accs) } \arguments{ \item{pkgName}{\code{pkgName} a character string for the name of a BioC data package} \item{accs}{\code{accs} a vector of character string for the ids whose type will be determined} } \details{ The ACCNUM environment of each BioC data package contains mappings between probe ids and a set of public ids based on which mappings of probe ids to other annotation data can be obtained using public data sources. The set of ids were provided by a manufacturer or user at the time when the data package was built. The manufacturer/user provided ids can be of different types of public ids, such as GenBank Accession number, UniGene ids, etc.. ACCNUMStats counts the number of probes that are mapped to different types of public ids and have the results presented in a table. } \references{The ACCNUM environment of a platform dependent BioC data package} \author{Jianhua Zhang} \examples{ library("hgu95av2.db") ACCNUMStats("hgu95av2") } \keyword{misc}