\name{affycompTable} \alias{affycompTable} \alias{tableAll} \alias{tableDilution} \alias{tableFC} \alias{tableFC2} \alias{tableSignal} \alias{tableOverallSNR} \alias{tableRanks} \alias{tableLS} \alias{tableMA2} \alias{tableSpikeInSD} %- Also NEED an `\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{Expression Assessment Table} \description{ These functions take as an argument the output of the assessment functions. } \usage{ affycompTable(...,Table=NULL,assessment.list=NULL,method.names=NULL) tableAll(...,assessment.list=NULL,method.names=NULL) tableDilution(l, method.names=NULL) tableFC(l, method.names=NULL) tableFC2(l, method.names=NULL) tableSignal(l, method.names=NULL) tableLS(l, method.names=NULL) tableSpikeInSD(l, method.names=NULL) tableMA2(l, method.names=NULL) tableOverallSNR(...,assessment.list=NULL,method.names=NULL,ngenes=12626) tableRanks(...,assessment.list=NULL,method.names=NULL,ngenes=12626,rank=TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{\dots}{lists produced by the assessment functions} \item{Table}{If \code{TableAll} was used one can send it through this argument} \item{assessment.list}{Alternatively, one can also send a list of lists produced by \code{\link{tableAll}}.} \item{method.names}{A character vector with the names of the epxression measure methodology.} \item{l}{list of assessments.} \item{rank}{if \code{TRUE} \code{tableRanks} will present ranks instead of local slopes.} \item{ngenes}{when computing ranks, out of how many genes should we do it?} } \details{ Read the vignette for more details on what the entries of the table are. \code{affycompTable} has a few entries per graph. \code{tableAll} has more entries. Once an assessment is used this function knows what to do. You can call any of the assessment functions described in \code{\link{assessSpikeIn}}, \code{\link{assessDilution}}, \code{\link{assessSD}}, \code{\link{assessLS}}, \code{\link{assessMA2}}, and \code{\link{assessSpikeInSD}}. Note \code{tableRanks} and \code{tableOverallSNR} work on the results from \code{\link{assessSpikeIn2}}. } \value{ A matrix. One column per each method and one row for each comparison. tableOverallSNR is an exception. Where rows represnt methods. } \author{Rafael A. Irizarry} \examples{ data(rma.assessment) ##this was produced with affycomp.assess data(mas5.assessment) ##this one too tmp <- affycompTable(mas5.assessment,rma.assessment) format(tmp,digit=2) } \keyword{manip}