\name{ILM-class} \Rdversion{1.1} \docType{class} \alias{ILM-class} \alias{ILM} \title{Class to contain the results of an ilm calculation} \description{ S4 object to contain background intensities, results from parameter fit and concentrations} \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{intens}:}{A \code{"matrix"} of size (number of probes) x (2x number of CEL-files). A set of two columns corresponds to one CEL-file where the first column contains the raw PM and the second one the background intensities per feature.} \item{\code{concs}:}{A \code{"matrix"} of size (number of probe sets) x (number of CEL-files) holding the concentration per probe set (picoMolar) calculated according to the Langmuir model.} \item{\code{params}:}{A \code{"matrix"} holding the 50 optimized parameter values/fitted parameters for each CEL-file (number of columns)} \item{\code{satLim}:}{Is the \code{"numeric"} saturation limit of the intensities of the Langmuir Isotherm, i.e. where the concentration is high or the probe-target binding free energies are large. The default value of \code{satLim} is 10000. } } } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{\code{[}}{Subset } \item{getIntens}{Get background intensity (of a particular probe set) } \item{getConcs}{Get concentration in pM} \item{getParams}{Optimized parameters} \item{plotIntens}{Plot PM and calculated background intensities per probe set} } } \author{Myriam Kroll, Fabrice Berger and Enrico Carlon} \examples{ showClass("ILM") } \keyword{classes}