\name{rfClass} \alias{rfClass} \alias{plot.rfClass} \title{Classify using Random Forests} \description{ Classify using the Random Forest algorithm of Breiman (2001) } \usage{ rfClass(object, groups, probe2gene = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{object}{object containing the expression measurements; currently the only method supported is one for ExpressionSet objects} \item{groups}{character string indicating the column containing the class membership} \item{probe2gene}{logical; if \code{TRUE} Affymetrix probeset IDs are translated into gene symbols in the output object; if \code{FALSE} no such translation is conducted} } \value{ Object of class 'rfClass' } % TODO add reference book Goehlmann and Talloen \references{ Breiman, L. (2001), \emph{Random Forests}, Machine Learning 45(1), 5-32. } \author{Tobias Verbeke and Willem Talloen} \note{ topTable and plot methods are available for 'rfClass' objects. } \seealso{\code{\link[randomForest]{randomForest}}} % TODO add examples section \keyword{models}