\name{volcanoplotter} \alias{volcanoplotter} \title{Workhorse function for the different volcanoPlot methods} \description{ Workhorse function for the different volcanoPlot methods. A volcano plot is a graph that allows to simultaneously assess the P values (statistical significance) and log ratios (biological difference) of differential expression for the given genes. } \usage{ volcanoplotter(logRatio, pValue, pointLabels, topPValues = 10, topLogRatios = 10, logTransformP = TRUE, smoothScatter = TRUE, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, main = NULL, sub = NULL, newpage = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{logRatio}{numeric vector of log ratios} \item{pValue}{numeric vector of P values} \item{pointLabels}{Labels for points on the volcano plot that are interesting taking into account both the x and y dimensions; typically this is a vector of gene symbols; most methods can access the gene symbols directly from the object passed as 'x' argument; the argument allows for custom labels if needed} \item{topPValues}{top n points that will be included in the points to label based on their low P Values} \item{topLogRatios}{top n points that will be included in the points to label based on their high absolute values of the log ratio} \item{logTransformP}{if \code{TRUE} (default) -log10(pValue) is used for the plot instead of the raw P values} \item{smoothScatter}{use color saturation to indicate dots that are in densely populated regions of the graph; defaults to \code{TRUE}} \item{xlab}{label for the x axis (string)} \item{ylab}{label for the y axis (string)} \item{main}{main title for the graph (string)} \item{sub}{subtitle for the graph (string)} \item{newpage}{should the graph be drawn to a new grid page? Defaults to \code{FALSE}. This argument is useful for including several volcano plots in one layout.} } \value{ a volcanoplot is drawn to the current device } \author{Tobias Verbeke} \seealso{\code{\link{volcanoPlot-methods}}} \keyword{dplot}