\name{spectralMap} \alias{spectralMap} \title{Draw a Spectral Map} \description{ Generic function to draw a spectral map. } \usage{ spectralMap(object, groups, ...) } \arguments{ \item{object}{object of class ExpressionSet} \item{groups}{string indicating the name of the column in the phenoData that defines the groups} \item{\dots}{further arguments to be passed to the methods} } \value{ Object of class \code{plot.mpm}, i.e. the S3 output object of the \code{plot.mpm} function of the \code{mpm} package } \note{Coloring of groups on the spectralMap uses the a4 palette as produced by \code{a4palette}} \references{Wouters, L., Goehlmann, H., Bijnens, L., Kass, S.U., Molenberghs, G., Lewi, P.J. (2003). Graphical exploration of gene expression data: a comparative study of three multivariate methods. \emph{Biometrics} \bold{59}, 1131-1140. Goehlmann, H. and W. Talloen (2009). Gene Expression Studies Using Affymetrix Microarrays, Chapman \& Hall/CRC, pp. 148 - 153. } \author{Tobias Verbeke} \seealso{\code{\link{spectralMap-methods}}, \code{\link[mpm]{plot.mpm}}} \examples{ if (require(ALL)){ data(ALL, package = "ALL") ALL <- addGeneInfo(ALL) spectralMap(object = ALL, groups = "BT", legendPos = 'bottomright') spectralMap(object = ALL, groups = "BT", plot.mpm.args = list(label.tol = 10, rot = c(-1, 1), sub = "", lab.size = 0.65, dim = c(1,2), sampleNames = FALSE, zoom = c(1,5), col.size = 2, do.smoothScatter = TRUE)) spectralMap(object = ALL, groups = "BT", plot.mpm.args = list(label.tol = 10, rot = c(-1, 1), sub = "", lab.size = 0.65, dim = c(1,2), sampleNames = as.character(pData(ALL)$BT), zoom = c(1,5), col.size = 2, do.smoothScatter = TRUE)) } } \keyword{hplot} %\item{makeLognormal}{boolean indicating whether one wants to exponentiate the % data to make them lognormally shaped (\code{TRUE}; the default) or not % (\code{FALSE})} % \item{plot.mpm.args}{list of arguments that can be passed to the % \code{plot.mpm} function that actually draws the plot} % \item{probe2gene}{boolean indicating whether one wants to display the gene symbols % for the labeled points (\code{TRUE}) or not (\code{FALSE}; the default) }