\name{profilesPlot} \alias{profilesPlot} \title{Plot expression profiles of multiple genes or probesets} \description{ Plot expression profiles of multiple genes or probesets. Each line depicts a gene, and the color legend can be used to identify the gene. } \usage{ profilesPlot(object, probesetIds, sampleIDs = TRUE, addLegend = TRUE, legendPos = "topleft", colvec = NULL, orderGroups = NULL, ...) } \arguments{ \item{object}{ExpressionSet object for the experiment} \item{probesetIds}{The probeset ID. These should be stored in the \code{featureNames} of the \code{expressionSet} object.} \item{colvec}{Vector of colors to be used for the groups. If not specified, the default colors of \code{a4palette} are used.} \item{sampleIDs}{A boolean or a string to determine the labels on the x-axis. Setting it to FALSE results in no labels (interesting when the labels are unreadable due to large sample sizes). Setting it to a string will put the values of that particular \code{pData} column as labels. The string should be a name of a column in the \code{pData} of the \code{expressionSet} object."} \item{addLegend}{Boolean indicating whether a legend for the colors of the dots should be added.} \item{legendPos}{Specify where the legend should be placed. Typically either \code{topright}, \code{bottomright}, \code{topleft} (the default) or \code{bottomleft}} \item{orderGroups}{String containing the name of the grouping variable to order the samples in the x-axis accordingly. This should be a name of a column in the \code{pData} of the \code{expressionSet} object.} \item{\dots}{Possibility to add extra plot options. See \code{\link{par}}} } \author{W. Talloen} \seealso{\code{\link{plot1gene}}, \code{\link{boxPlot}}} \examples{ if (require(ALL)){ data(ALL, package = "ALL") ALL <- addGeneInfo(ALL) ALL$BTtype <- as.factor(substr(ALL$BT,0,1)) myGeneSymbol <- c("LCK") # a gene probesetPos <- which(myGeneSymbol == featureData(ALL)$SYMBOL) myProbesetIds <- featureNames(ALL)[probesetPos] profilesPlot(object = ALL, probesetIds = myProbesetIds, orderGroups = "BT", sampleIDs = "BT") } } %% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the %% R documentation directory. %\keyword{ ~kwd1 } %\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line