\name{probabilitiesPlot} \alias{probabilitiesPlot} \title{Function to plot the probabilities to belong to a certain class in binary classification problems.} \description{ Function to plot the probabilities to belong to a certain class in binary classification problems. These probabilities are often calculated using a logistic regression model. The class membership of the samples is displayed using a colored strip (with legend below the plot).} \usage{ probabilitiesPlot(proportions, classVar, sampleNames, plot = TRUE, barPlot = FALSE, layout = TRUE, main = NULL, sub = NULL, ...) } \arguments{ \item{proportions}{A vector containing the calculated probabilities to belong to a certain class in binary classification problems. These probabilities are often calculated using a logistic regression model.} \item{classVar}{A vector containing the class where the sample belongs to} \item{sampleNames}{A vector with the names of the samples} \item{plot}{logical. If \code{FALSE}, nothing is plotted.} \item{barPlot}{Should a barplot be drawn (\code{TRUE}) or a scatterplot like MCREstimate-type scores plot (the default, \code{FALSE}).} \item{layout}{boolean indicating whether \code{mcrPlot} should prespecify a layout for a single plot (default, \code{TRUE}) or whether the user takes care of the layout (\code{FALSE})} \item{main}{Main title for the scores plot; if not supplied, 'Scores Plot' is used as a default} \item{sub}{Subtitle for the scores plot; if not supplied, the classification technique and the chosen number of features are displayed} \item{\dots}{Additional graphical parameters to pass to the plot function} } \author{Willem Talloen and Tobias Verbeke} \seealso{\code{\link{logReg}}} \examples{ if (require(ALL)){ data(ALL, package = "ALL") ALL <- addGeneInfo(ALL) ALL$BTtype <- as.factor(substr(ALL$BT,0,1)) logRegRes <- logReg(geneSymbol = "HLA-DPB1", object = ALL, groups = "BTtype") # scoresplot probabilitiesPlot(proportions = logRegRes$fit, classVar = logRegRes$y, sampleNames = rownames(logRegRes), main = 'Probability of being a T-cell type ALL') # barplot probabilitiesPlot(proportions = logRegRes$fit, classVar = logRegRes$y, barPlot=TRUE, sampleNames = rownames(logRegRes), main = 'Probability of being a T-cell type ALL') } } %% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the %% R documentation directory. %\keyword{ ~kwd1 } %\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line