\name{nlcvTT} \alias{nlcvTT} \docType{data} \title{Data to Demonstrate nlcv and Co Functions} \description{ Simulated data set used to demonstrate nlcv and accompanying plot functions to study classification problems } \usage{data(nlcvTT)} \format{ The object is of class \code{"nlcv"}, an object as produced by the \code{nlcv} function. } \source{ data simulated using \code{nlcvTT <- nlcv(selBcrAblOrNeg, classVar = 'mol.biol', classdist = "unbalanced", nRuns = 10, fsMethod = "t.test", verbose = TRUE)} } \seealso{\code{\link[nlcv]{nlcv}}} \examples{ data(nlcvTT) if (require(nlcv)) scoresPlot(nlcvTT, tech = 'svm', nfeat = 25) } \keyword{datasets}