\name{limmaTwoLevels} \alias{limmaTwoLevels} \title{Wrapper function for the comparison of two groups using limma} \description{ Wrapper function for the comparison of two groups using limma } \usage{ limmaTwoLevels(object, group, probe2gene = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{object}{object of class ExpressionSet} \item{group}{string indicating the variable defining the two groups to be compared, i.e. the name of a factor with two levels} \item{probe2gene}{logical; if \code{TRUE} Affymetrix probeset IDs are translated into gene symbols; if \code{FALSE} no such translation is done} } \value{ S4 object of class 'limma' with the following two components: \item{MArrayLM}{S4 object of class MArrayLM as returned by the limma function of the limma package} \item{geneSymbols}{character vector of gene symbols; this slot is only populated if \code{probe2gene=TRUE} (and if the ExpressionSet object is appropriately annotated by \code{addGeneInfo} for gene symbols to be extracted)} } % TODO add references to book % \references{} \author{Tobias Verbeke and Willem Talloen} \note{ A 'topTable' method is defined for 'limma' objects. } % \seealso{} % \examples{} % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. \keyword{models}