\name{normInteraction} \alias{normInteraction} \title{Normalize a matrix of biological interactions} \description{ Normalize a square matrix of biological interactions according to the number of possible interactions between each biological complex. } \usage{normInteraction(data, genename, interactome)} \arguments{ \item{data}{Square Matrix of biological complexes that shares one or more genes(proteins)} \item{genename}{Character vector of the gene names that possibly create interactions between complexes} \item{interactome}{Adjacency matrix where row are genes and columns are cellular organizational units. Each entry has value 0 or 1, for absence or presence of a gene in a complex, e.g., \code{\link[ScISI]{ScISI}}} } \value{ Square matrix of biological complexes linked by one or more interacting proteins and normalized by the possible number of interactions between each complex. } \author{N. LeMeur} \seealso{\code{\link{getInteraction}}} \examples{ data(Atong) data(ScISIC) data(SGA) SLa2 <- gi2Interactome(Atong, ScISIC) ## Search for synthetic lethal interaction compM <- getInteraction(SLa2, SGA, ScISIC) ## Normalize normIntComplex<- normInteraction(compM$bwMat, SGA, ScISIC) } \keyword{data} \keyword{manip}