\name{getSharedDomains} \alias{getSharedDomains} \title{ Find domains shared by a given list of gene names. } \description{ \code{getSharedDomains} finds domains in the provided environment that are shared by a list of genes. } \usage{getSharedDomains(geneNameV, env)} \arguments{ \item{geneNameV}{ Character vector of gene names. } \item{env}{R object that provides mappings between an entrez gene identifier and the associated Pfam identifiers.} } \value{ \code{getSharedDomains} returns a vector of the names of the shared domains. } \author{ Z. Jiang } \seealso{ \code{\link{domainDist}}, \code{\link{sharedBy}} } \examples{ library("org.Sc.sgd.db") getSharedDomains(c("YEL003W","YLR200W"), org.Sc.sgdPFAM) } \keyword{ methods }