\name{getFASTAname} \alias{getFASTAname} \title{ Obtain sequence name from FASTA object } \description{ Extract the name of a sequence from a FASTA object that created by \code{readFASTA} function from \code{Biostrings} package. } \usage{ getFASTAname(Fobj) } \arguments{ \item{Fobj}{ is a FASTA object created by \code{\link[Biostrings]{readFASTA}} function from \pkg{Biostrings}} package. } \details{ The function gets the first string between ">" and space the "desc" element of the \code{Fobj}, which is the names of the sequence. } \value{ A character string. } \author{ Z. Jiang } \seealso{ \code{\link[Biostrings]{readFASTA}} } \examples{ f <- gzfile(file.path(.path.package("SLGI"), "extdata/orf_trans.fasta.gz"), open = "rt") library(Biostrings) yeastF <- readFASTA(f) sapply(yeastF[1:5], getFASTAname) } \keyword{methods}