\name{AtongFnDomain} \alias{AtongFnDomain} \docType{data} \title{ The functional domains shared by the tested pairs in Tong et al experiment. } \description{ Data developed from Tong et. al. buffering experiments. } \usage{data(AtongFnDomain)} \format{ A list containing 3 items. \describe{ \item{pairs}{Dataframe of all the gene pairs and their synthetic lethality status. } \item{SharedPfam}{List of the Pfam domains shared by each pair. The order of this list is the same as the order of the pairs.} \item{SharedSMART}{List of the SMART domains shared by each pair. The order of this list is also the same as the order of the pairs.} } } \source{ Created from the association matrix reported by Tong et al. and the Pfam (Protein family database \url{http://pfam.janelia.org/}) and SMART database of yeast. } \author{Z. Jiang} \references{ Global Mapping of the Yeast Genetic Interaction Network, Tong et al, Science Vol.303, 2004 Saccharomyces Genome Database } \examples{ data(AtongFnDomain) names(AtongFnDomain) } \keyword{datasets}