\name{BamViews} \Rdversion{1.1} \docType{class} \alias{BamViews-class} \alias{BamViews} \alias{BamViews,missing-method} \alias{BamViews,GRanges-method} \alias{BamViews,RangedData-method} % accessors \alias{bamPaths} \alias{bamIndicies} \alias{bamSamples} \alias{bamRanges} \alias{bamExperiment} \alias{bamDirname<-} \alias{bamSamples<-} \alias{bamRanges<-} % methods \alias{names,BamViews-method} \alias{names<-,BamViews-method} \alias{dim,BamViews-method} \alias{dimnames,BamViews-method} \alias{dimnames<-,BamViews,ANY-method} \alias{[,BamViews,ANY,missing-method} \alias{[,BamViews,missing,ANY-method} \alias{[,BamViews,ANY,ANY-method} \alias{[,BamViews,ANY,missing-method} \alias{scanBam,BamViews-method} \alias{countBam,BamViews-method} \alias{readBamGappedAlignments,BamViews-method} \alias{show,BamViews-method} \title{Views into a set of BAM files} \description{ Use \code{BamViews()} to reference a set of disk-based BAM files to be processed (e.g., queried using \code{\link{scanBam}}) as a single \sQuote{experiment}. } \usage{ ## Constructor BamViews(bamPaths=character(0), bamIndicies=bamPaths, bamSamples=DataFrame(row.names=make.unique(basename(bamPaths))), bamRanges, bamExperiment = list(), ...) \S4method{BamViews}{missing}(bamPaths=character(0), bamIndicies=bamPaths, bamSamples=DataFrame(row.names=make.unique(basename(bamPaths))), bamRanges, bamExperiment = list(), ..., auto.range=FALSE) ## Accessors bamPaths(x) bamSamples(x) bamSamples(x) <- value bamRanges(x) bamRanges(x) <- value bamExperiment(x) \S4method{names}{BamViews}(x) \S4method{names}{BamViews}(x) <- value \S4method{dimnames}{BamViews}(x) \S4method{dimnames}{BamViews,ANY}(x) <- value bamDirname(x, ...) <- value ## Subset \S4method{[}{BamViews,ANY,ANY}(x, i, j, \dots, drop=TRUE) \S4method{[}{BamViews,ANY,missing}(x, i, j, \dots, drop=TRUE) \S4method{[}{BamViews,missing,ANY}(x, i, j, \dots, drop=TRUE) ## Input \S4method{scanBam}{BamViews}(file, index = file, ..., param = ScanBamParam()) \S4method{countBam}{BamViews}(file, index = file, ..., param = ScanBamParam()) \S4method{readBamGappedAlignments}{BamViews}(file, index, ..., which) ## Show \S4method{show}{BamViews}(object) } \arguments{ \item{bamPaths}{A character() vector of BAM path names.} \item{bamIndicies}{A character() vector of BAM index file path names, \emph{without} the \sQuote{.bai} extension.} \item{bamSamples}{A \code{\linkS4class{DataFrame}} instance with as many rows as \code{length(bamPaths)}, containing sample information associated with each path.} \item{bamRanges}{A \code{\linkS4class{GRanges}}, \code{\linkS4class{RangedData}} or missing instance with ranges defined on the spaces of the BAM files. Ranges are \emph{not} validated against the BAM files.} \item{bamExperiment}{A list() containing additional information about the experiment.} \item{auto.range}{If \code{TRUE} and all \code{bamPaths} exist, populate the ranges with the union of ranges returned in the \code{target} element of \code{scanBamHeader}.} \item{...}{Additional arguments.} \item{x}{An instance of \code{BamViews}.} \item{object}{An instance of \code{BamViews}.} \item{value}{An object of appropriate type to replace content.} \item{i}{During subsetting, a logical or numeric index into \code{bamRanges}.} \item{j}{During subsetting, a logical or numeric index into \code{bamSamples} and \code{bamPaths}.} \item{drop}{A logical(1), \emph{ignored} by all \code{BamViews} subsetting methods.} %% input \item{file}{An instance of \code{BamViews}.} \item{index}{A character vector of indices, corresponding to the \code{bamPaths(file)}. } \item{param}{An optional \code{\linkS4class{ScanBamParam}} instance to further influence scanning or counting.} \item{which}{An optional \code{\linkS4class{RangesList}} instance to further subset \code{file}.} } \section{Objects from the Class}{ Objects are created by calls of the form \code{BamViews()}. } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{bamPaths}{A character() vector of BAM path names.} \item{bamIndicies}{A character() vector of BAM index path names.} \item{bamSamples}{A \code{\linkS4class{DataFrame}} instance with as many rows as \code{length(bamPaths)}, containing sample information associated with each path.} \item{bamRanges}{A \code{\linkS4class{GRanges}} instance with ranges defined on the spaces of the BAM files. Ranges are \emph{not} validated against the BAM files.} \item{bamExperiment}{A list() containing additional information about the experiment.} } } \section{Functions and methods}{ See 'Usage' for details on invocation. Constructor: \describe{ \item{BamViews:}{Returns a \code{BamViews} object.} } Accessors: \describe{ \item{bamPaths}{Returns a character() vector of BAM path names.} \item{bamIndicies}{Returns a character() vector of BAM index path names.} \item{bamSamples}{Returns a \code{\linkS4class{DataFrame}} instance with as many rows as \code{length(bamPaths)}, containing sample information associated with each path.} \item{bamSamples<-}{Assign a \code{\linkS4class{DataFrame}} instance with as many rows as \code{length(bamPaths)}, containing sample information associated with each path.} \item{bamRanges}{Returns a \code{\linkS4class{GRanges}} instance with ranges defined on the spaces of the BAM files. Ranges are \emph{not} validated against the BAM files.} \item{bamRanges<-}{Assign a \code{\linkS4class{GRanges}} instance with ranges defined on the spaces of the BAM files. Ranges are \emph{not} validated against the BAM files.} \item{bamExperiment}{Returns a list() containing additional information about the experiment.} \item{names}{Return the column names of the \code{BamViews} instance; same as \code{names(bamSamples(x))}.} \item{names<-}{Assign the column names of the \code{BamViews} instance.} \item{dimnames}{Return the row and column names of the \code{BamViews} instance.} \item{dimnames<-}{Assign the row and column names of the \code{BamViews} instance.} } Methods: \describe{ \item{"["}{Subset the object by \code{bamRanges} or \code{bamSamples}.} \item{scanBam}{Visit each path in \code{bamPaths(file)}, returning the result of \code{scanBam} applied to the specified path. \code{bamRanges(file)} takes precedence over \code{bamWhich(param)}.} \item{countBam}{Visit each path in \code{bamPaths(file)}, returning the result of \code{countBam} applied to the specified path. \code{bamRanges(file)} takes precedence over \code{bamWhich(param)}.} \item{readBamGappedAlignments}{Visit each path in \code{bamPaths(file)}, returning the result of \code{readBamGappedAlignments} applied to the specified path. When \code{index} is missing, it is set equal to \code{bamIndicies(file)}. When \code{which} is missing, only reads in \code{bamRanges(file)} are returned. When \code{which} is present, reads matching \code{bamRanges(file[which])} are returned. The return value is a \code{\linkS4class{SimpleList}}, with elements of the list corresponding to each path. \code{bamSamples(file)} is available as \code{elementMetadata} of the returned \code{SimpleList}.} \item{show}{Compactly display the object.} } } \author{Martin Morgan} \seealso{ \code{\link{readBamGappedAlignments}} } \examples{ fls <- list.files(system.file("extdata", package="Rsamtools"), "\\\\.bam$", full=TRUE) rngs <- GRanges(seqnames = Rle(c("chr1", "chr2"), c(9, 9)), ranges = c(IRanges(seq(10000, 90000, 10000), width=500), IRanges(seq(100000, 900000, 100000), width=5000)), Count = seq_len(18L)) v <- BamViews(fls, bamRanges=rngs) v v[1:5,] bamRanges(v[c(1:5, 11:15),]) bamDirname(v) <- getwd() v bv <- BamViews(fls, bamSamples=DataFrame(info="test", row.names="ex1"), auto.range=TRUE) aln <- readBamGappedAlignments(bv) aln aln[[1]] aln[colnames(bv)] elementMetadata(aln) } \keyword{classes}