\name{chipAlongChrom} \alias{chipAlongChrom} \alias{plot,ExpressionSet,probeAnno-method} \title{Visualize ChIP intensities along the chromosome} \description{ This function can visualize the array intensities from a ChIP chip experiment for a chromosomal region or the whole chromosome. It's based on the \code{plotAlongChrom} function from the package \code{tilingArray}, but provides a different visualization. } \usage{ \S4method{plot}{ExpressionSet,probeAnno}(x, y, ...) chipAlongChrom(eSet, probeAnno, chrom, xlim, ylim, samples = NULL, paletteName = "Set2", colPal = NULL, ylab = "Fold change [log]", ipch = 16, ilwd = 3, ilty = 1, icex = 3, gff = NULL, featureExclude=c("chromosome", "nucleotide_match","insertion"), zeroLine = TRUE, sampleLegend = TRUE, sampleLegendPos = "topleft", featureLegend = FALSE, maxInterDistance = 200, coord = NULL, highlight, main, ...) } \arguments{ \item{eSet}{An expression set containing the (normalized) ChIP intensities, e.g. the result objects from functions \code{preprocess} and \code{computeRunningMedians}.} \item{x}{Corresponds to argument \code{eSet} when calling the S4 method} \item{probeAnno}{An object of class \code{probeAnno} holding genomic position, index and gene association of probes on array.} \item{y}{Corresponds to argument \code{probeAnno} when calling the S4 method} \item{chrom}{character; the chromosome to visualize} \item{xlim}{start and end genomic coordinates on the chromosome to visualize} \item{ylim}{minimum and maximum probe intensities for the plot, if missing (default) set to \code{range(exprs(eSet))}} \item{samples}{numeric; which samples from the \code{eSet} are to be shown. Default is to show all samples in the \code{eSet},} \item{paletteName}{character; Name of the RColorBrewer palette to use for sample colors. If the number of samples is greater than the palette size, random colors are taken.} \item{colPal}{vector of colors to use for the sample intensities. This is alternative to the argument \code{paletteName} for specifying which colors to use.} \item{ylab}{character; label for the y-axis, passed on to the plotting function as \code{ylab}} \item{ipch}{plot character to use} \item{icex}{character expansion to use for plotting symbol} \item{ilwd}{line width of plotted data lines} \item{ilty}{line type of plotted data lines; passed on to \code{par(lty)}.} \item{gff}{data frame containing annotation for genomic feature to be used to further annotate the plot.} \item{featureExclude}{character vector specifying the feature types in the data.frame \code{gff} that should not be shown in the plot} \item{zeroLine}{logical; should a dashed horizontal line at y=0 be put into the plot?} \item{sampleLegend}{logical; should a sample legend be put into the plot?} \item{sampleLegendPos}{character; where to put the sample legend; one of \sQuote{topleft} (default), \sQuote{bottomleft}, \sQuote{topright}, or \sQuote{bottomrigth}} \item{featureLegend}{logical; should a feature legend be put beneath the plot?} \item{maxInterDistance}{numeric; only used when \code{itype} is either "r" or "u"; specifies the maximal distance up to which adjacent probe positions should be connected by a line.} \item{coord}{optional integer of length 2; can be used instead of \code{xlim} to specify the start and end coordinates of the genomic region to plot} \item{highlight}{optional list specifying a genomic region to be highlighted in the shown plot} \item{main}{optional main title for the plot; if not specified: the default is \sQuote{Chromosome coordinate [bp]}} \item{\dots}{further parameters passed on to \code{grid.polyline} and \code{grid.points}} } \value{ \code{\link{invisible}} list of probe positions (element \code{x}) and probe levels (element \code{y}) in the selected genomic region. } %\details{} \author{Joern Toedling \email{joern.toedling@curie.fr}} \note{ The S4 method is provided as a mere convenience wrapper. When plotting a new \sQuote{grid} plot in an active x11 window that already contains a plot, remember to call \code{grid.newpage()} before. } \seealso{ \code{\link[Biobase:class.ExpressionSet]{ExpressionSet-class}}, \code{\link{probeAnno-class}}, \code{\link[grid]{grid.points}}, \code{plotAlongChrom} in package \code{tilingArray}} \examples{ ### load data ringoExampleDir <- system.file("exData",package="Ringo") load(file.path(ringoExampleDir,"exampleProbeAnno.rda")) load(file.path(ringoExampleDir,"exampleX.rda")) ### show a gene that is well represented on this microarray plot(exampleX, exProbeAnno, chrom="9", xlim=c(34318000,34321000), ylim=c(-2,4), gff=exGFF) ### this should give you the same result as: chipAlongChrom(exampleX, chrom="9", xlim=c(34318000,34321000), ylim=c(-2,4), probeAnno=exProbeAnno, gff=exGFF) } \keyword{hplot}% at least one, from doc/KEYWORDS