\name{initializeCHNOPS} \alias{initializeElements} \alias{initializeCHNOPS} \alias{initializeCHNOPSMgKCaFe} \alias{initializeCHNOPSNaK} \alias{initializeCharges} \alias{initializePSE} \title{Initialize (a subset of) elements of the periodic system of elements (PSE)} \description{ Initialize the information about name, mass and isotopes. To reduce the number of decomposition hypotheses, subsets of elements can be created. } \usage{ initializeCHNOPS() initializeCHNOPSMgKCaFe() initializePSE() initializeElements(names) } \arguments{ \item{names}{vector of element names within PSE} } \details{ These functions return full, pre-defined or user-defined (sub-) lists of elements. } \value{ A list with the elements \item{name}{ repeated sum formula } \item{mass}{ nominal mass of molecule } \item{isotope}{ a list of isotopes } The initializeCharges() is special, since it allows to parse charges such as \code{getMolecule("H3O+", elements=c(initializeCHNOPS(),initializeCharges()))} } \examples{ # For Ethanol: elements <- initializeCHNOPS() } \references{ For a description of the underlying IMS see: WABI Paper Isotope patterns obtained through wikipedia.org } \author{Steffen Neumann } \seealso{\code{\link{getMolecule}}} \keyword{methods}