\name{decomposeIsotopes} \alias{decomposeMass} \alias{decomposeIsotopes} \alias{isotopeScore} \title{Mass Decomposition of Isotope Patterns} \description{ Calculate the elementary compositions from an exact Mass or Isotope Pattern, obtained e.g.\ by FTICR or TOF mass spectrometers } \usage{ decomposeMass(mass, ppm=2.0, mzabs=0.0001, elements=NULL, filter=NULL, z=0, maxisotopes = 10) decomposeIsotopes(masses, intensities, ppm=2.0, mzabs=0.0001, elements=NULL, filter=NULL, z=0, maxisotopes = 10) isotopeScore(molecule, masses, intensities, elements = NULL, filter = NULL, z = 0) } \arguments{ \item{mass}{A single exact mass (or m/z value)} \item{masses}{A vector of masses (or m/z values) of an isotope cluster} \item{intensities}{Abolute or relative intensities of the \code{masses} peaks} \item{ppm}{allowed deviation of hypotheses from given mass} \item{mzabs}{absolute deviation in dalton (mzabs and ppm will be added)} \item{z}{charge z of m/z peaks for calculation of real mass. 0 is for auto-detection} \item{maxisotopes}{maximum number of isotopes shown in the resulting molecules} \item{elements}{list of allowed chemical elements, defaults to CHNOPS} \item{filter}{NYI, will be a selection of DU, DBE and Nitrogen rules} \item{molecule}{a molecule as obtained from getMolecule() or decomposeMass / decomposeIsotopes} } \details{ Sum formulas are calculated which explain the given mass or isotope pattern. } \value{ A list of molecules, which contain the sub-lists \item{formula}{ potential formulae } \item{mass}{ exact monoisotopic mass of hypothesis } \item{score}{ calculated score } \item{isotopes}{ a list of isotopes } } \examples{ # For Glutamate: decomposeIsotopes(c(147.0529,148.0563), c(100.0,5.561173)) } \references{ For a description of the underlying IMS see: WABI Paper } \author{Steffen Neumann } \seealso{\code{\link{decomposeMass}}} \keyword{methods}