\name{controlView} \Rdversion{1.1} \alias{controlView} \title{ PLOT CONTROL WELLS IN RTCA DATA } \description{ A convenience function to plot sample wells with control wells on an \emph{E-plate} in RTCA system. To use the function the phenoData field of the \code{RTCA} object must contain a field named \dQuote{GeneSymbol}. } \usage{ controlView(rtca, genesymbol = c("Allstar", "COPB2", "GFP", "mock", "PLK1", "WEE1"), cols, ylim, smooth = FALSE, group = TRUE, ylab = "Normalized cell index", xlab = "Time interval (hour)", drawsd = TRUE, normline = TRUE, ncol = 1, legendpos = "topleft", pData.column="GeneSymbol",...) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{rtca}{An object of \code{\linkS4class{RTCA}}.To use the function, the phenoData must contain a column which name is specified by the \code{pData.column} parameter. } \item{genesymbol}{character, gene symbols to be plotted. } \item{cols}{character, colors used by the provided gene symbols} \item{ylim}{y-axis lim} \item{smooth}{logical, whether the \code{RTCA} object should be smoothed before plotting} \item{group}{logical. If \sQuote{group} is set to \code{TRUE}, wells with the same \emph{GeneSymbol} will be summarized and plotted. For instance, these could be biological replicates. Otherwise each well is plotted separatedly} \item{ylab}{y axis label} \item{xlab}{x axis label} \item{drawsd}{logical, should the error bar be drawn to represent standard deviation?} \item{normline}{logical, should the base-time indicated by a line? See \code{\link{ratioTransform}} for the concept of the \emph{base-time}} \item{ncol}{integer, legend column number} \item{legendpos}{character, legend position} \item{pData.column}{The column which the \code{genesymbol} parameter will be matched with} \item{\dots}{other parameters passed to the \code{\link{plot}} function} } \details{ The function is often called to draw sample and control in one plot. } \value{ \code{NULL}, the function is called for its side effect } \author{ Jitao David Zhang \email{j.zhang@dkfz.de} } \seealso{ \code{\linkS4class{RTCA}} } \examples{ require(RTCA) ofile <- system.file("extdata/testOutput.csv", package="RTCA") pfile <- system.file("extdata/testOutputPhenoData.csv", package="RTCA") pData <- read.csv(pfile, sep="\t", row.names="Well") metaData <- data.frame(labelDescription=c( "Rack number", "siRNA catalogue number", "siRNA gene symbol", "siRNA EntrezGene ID", "siRNA targeting accession" )) phData <- new("AnnotatedDataFrame", data=pData, varMetadata=metaData) x <- parseRTCA(ofile, phenoData=phData) controlView(x, genesymbol=c("mock","COPB2","PLK1"),ylim=c(0,2)) } % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. \keyword{ hplot }