\name{setDefaultEdgeColor} \alias{setDefaultEdgeColor} \alias{setDefaultEdgeColor,CytoscapeConnectionClass-method} \title{setDefaultEdgeColor} \description{ In the specified CytoscapeConnection, stipulate the color for all edges other than those mentioned in a edge color rule. } \usage{ setDefaultEdgeColor(obj, new.color, vizmap.style.name = "default") } \arguments{ \item{obj}{a \code{CytoscapeConnectionClass} object. } \item{new.color}{a \code{String} object, a hex string, of the form '#RRGGBB'.} \item{vizmap.style.name}{a \code{String} object, if this vizmap style needs to be distinguished from the default type.} } \value{ None. } \author{Paul Shannon} \seealso{ setDefaultNodeShape setDefaultNodeColor setDefaultNodeSize setDefaultNodeColor setDefaultNodeBorderColor setDefaultNodeBorderWidth setDefaultNodeFontSize setDefaultNodeLabelColor setDefaultEdgeLineWidth setEdgeColorRule } \examples{ cw <- new.CytoscapeWindow ('sendDefaultEdgeColor.test', graph=makeSimpleGraph()) displayGraph (cw) redraw (cw) layout (cw, 'jgraph-spring') setDefaultEdgeColor (cw, '#FFFFFF') # white edges redraw (cw) } \keyword{graph}