\name{displayGraph} \alias{displayGraph} \alias{displayGraph,CytoscapeWindowClass-method} \title{displayGraph} \description{ This method transmits the CytoscapeWindowClass's graph data, from R to Cytoscape: nodes, edges, node and edge attributes, and displays it in a window titled as specified by the objects 'title' slot. With large graphs, this transmission may take a while. (todo: provide a few timing examples.) The resulting view, in Cytoscape, of the network will need layout and vizmap rendering; layout so that all the nodes and edges can be seen; rendering so that data attributes can control the appearance of the the nodes and edges. } \usage{ displayGraph(obj) } \arguments{ \item{obj}{a \code{CytoscapeWindowClass} object. } } \value{ Nothing. } \author{Paul Shannon} \examples{ cw <- CytoscapeWindow ('displayGraph.test', graph=makeSimpleGraph()) displayGraph (cw) layout (cw, 'jgraph-spring') redraw (cw) } \keyword{graph}