\name{deleteSelectedNodes} \alias{deleteSelectedNodes} \alias{deleteSelectedNodes,CytoscapeWindowClass-method} \title{deleteSelectedNodes} \description{In Cytoscape, delete all the selected nodes. Edges originating or terminating in these nodes will be deleted also. The nodes will still exist in the corresponding R graph until you explicitly delete them there as well. } \usage{ deleteSelectedNodes(obj) } \arguments{ \item{obj}{a \code{CytoscapeWindowClass} object. } } \value{ None. } \author{Paul Shannon} \seealso{ selectNodes deleteSelectedEdges } \examples{ cw <- new.CytoscapeWindow ('deleteSelectedNodes.test', graph=makeSimpleGraph()) displayGraph (cw) redraw (cw) layout (cw, 'jgraph-spring') print (nodes (cw@graph)) selectNodes (cw, "B") deleteSelectedNodes (cw) } \keyword{graph}