\name{readIspyData} \alias{readIspyData} \concept{MSnSet} \title{ Reads an ispy2 result spread sheet and creates a fully featured 'MSnSet' instance. } \description{ Reads an ispy2 tab-delimited spreadsheet and generates the corresponding \code{\linkS4class{MSnSet}} object. } \usage{ readIspyData(file = "ispy_results.tsv", uniquePeps = TRUE, pep = 0.05, na.rm = TRUE, min.int = 0, reporters = 19:23, skipFillUp = 24, fillUp = TRUE, verbose = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{file}{A \code{character}, indicating the file name to be read in. Default is "ispy_results.tsv".} \item{uniquePeps}{A \code{logical}, indicating whether only unique peptides should be included. Default is TRUE. } \item{pep}{A \code{numeric} indicating the posterior error probability thersholdfor peptides to be considered correctly identified. Default is 0.05. } \item{na.rm}{A \code{logical} indicating whether reporter ions containing one or more NA values should be excluded. Default is TRUE. } \item{min.int}{A \code{numeric} indicating the minimal summed intensity threshold for reporter data to be imported. Default is 0. } \item{reporters}{A \code{numeric} indicating column indices of reporter ions quantitation data. Default is \code{19:23} for iTRAQ 4-plex. } \item{skipFillUp}{A \code{numeric} indicating which column not to fill up. Generally the column following the reporter ions quantitation data. Default is 24.} \item{fillUp}{A \code{logical} specifying if empty cells should be filled up using their upper neighbour value. Default is TRUE, but should be set to FALSE of result sheet is already filled up (recent ispy result sheets are) to speed up import. } \item{verbose}{A \code{logical} indicating whether verbose output is to be printed out. } } \value{ An object of class \code{"\linkS4class{MSnSet}"}. } \references{ Ispy is a set of perl script to analyse SILAC, 15N and MSMS data developed by Phil D. Charles at CCP \url{http://www.bio.cam.ac.uk/proteomics/}. No ispy references published yet. } \author{ Laurent Gatto } \seealso{ \code{\link{readMzXMLData}} to import raw data. } \examples{ \dontrun{ispy <- readIspyData("ispy_results.tsv")} } \keyword{ file } \keyword{ manip }