\name{quantify-methods} \docType{methods} \alias{quantify-methods} \alias{quantify} \title{ Quantifies 'MSnExp' and 'Spectrum' objects } \description{ This method quantifies individual \code{"\linkS4class{Spectrum}"} objects or full \code{"\linkS4class{MSnExp}"} experiments. Current implementation quantify specific peaks in individual spectra. The peaks of interest are defined by the \code{reporters} parameter using one of the possible \code{method} methods. This essentially qualifies for MSMS quantitation using isobaric tags, altough any peak can be defined in \code{reporters}. } \arguments{ \item{object}{ Objects of class \code{"\linkS4class{Spectrum}"} or \code{"\linkS4class{MSnExp}"}. } \item{method}{ Peak quantitation method. One of, possibly abreviated "trapezoidation", "max", or "sum". These methods return respectively the area under the peak, the maximum of the peak or the sum of all intensities of the peaks. } \item{reporters}{ An object of class \code{"\linkS4class{ReporterIons}"} that defines the peaks to be quantified. } \item{verbose}{ Verbose of the output (only for \code{MSnExp} objects). } } \details{ \code{"\linkS4class{ReporterIons}"} define specific MZ at which peaks are expected and a window around that MZ value. A peak of interest is searched for in that window and warnings are thrown in case no peak is found in that region or the peak extends outside the window. Once the range of the curve is found, quantification is performed. If no data points are found in the expected region, 'NA' is returned for the reporter peak MZ. } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{\code{signature(object = "MSnExp", method = "character", reporters = "ReporterIons", verbose = "logical")}}{ Quantifies peaks defined in \code{reporters} using \code{method} in all spectra of the \code{MSnExp} object. If verbose is set to \code{TRUE}, a progress bar will be displayed. An object of class \code{"\linkS4class{MSnSet}"} is returned containing the quantified feature expression and all meta data inherited from the \code{MSnExp} argument. } \item{\code{signature(object = "Spectrum", method = "character", reporters = "ReporterIons")}}{ Quantifies peaks defined in \code{reporters} using \code{method} in the \code{Spectrum} object. A list of length 2 will be returned. The first element, named \code{peakQuant}, is a 'numeric' of length equal to \code{length(reporters)} with quantitation of the reporter peaks using \code{method}. The second element, names \code{curveStats}, is a 'data.frame' of dimension \code{length(reporters)} times 7 giving, for each reporter curve parameters: maximum intensity ('maxInt'), number of maxima ('nMaxInt'), number of data points defined the curve ('baseLength'), lower and upper MZ values for the curve ('lowerMz' and 'upperMz'), reporter ('reporter') and precursor MZ value ('precursor') when available. } } } \author{ Laurent Gatto } \examples{ file <- dir(system.file(package="MSnbase",dir="extdata"),full.name=TRUE,pattern="mzXML$") aa <- readMzXMLData(file,verbose=FALSE) data(iTRAQ4) msnset <- quantify(aa,method="trap",reporters=iTRAQ4) msnset qty64 <- quantify(aa[["X43"]],method="trap",iTRAQ4[1]) qty64$peakQuant qty64$curveStats } \keyword{methods}