\name{Spectrum-class} \Rdversion{1.1} \docType{class} \alias{Spectrum-class} \alias{class:Spectrum} \alias{Spectrum} %% -- accessors -- %% \alias{acquisitionNum,Spectrum-method} \alias{acquisitionNum} \alias{fromFile,Spectrum-method} \alias{fromFile} \alias{intensity,Spectrum-method} \alias{intensity} \alias{msLevel,Spectrum-method} \alias{msLevel} \alias{mz,Spectrum-method} \alias{mz} \alias{peaksCount,Spectrum-method} \alias{peaksCount} \alias{rtime,Spectrum-method} \alias{rtime} \alias{tic,Spectrum-method} \alias{tic} %% -- other -- %% \alias{clean,Spectrum-method} \alias{plot,Spectrum-method} \alias{plot,Spectrum,missing-method} \alias{quantify,Spectrum-method} \alias{quantify,Spectrum,character-method} \alias{removePeaks,Spectrum-method} \alias{show,Spectrum-method} \alias{trimMz,Spectrum-method} \alias{trimMz,Spectrum,numeric-method} \title{The "Spectrum" Class} \description{ Virtual container for spectrum data common to all different types of spectra. A \code{Spectrum} object can not be directly instanciated. Use \code{"\linkS4class{Spectrum1}"} and \code{"\linkS4class{Spectrum2}"} instead. } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{msLevel}:}{Object of class \code{"integer"} indicating the MS level: 1 for MS1 level \code{Spectrum1} objects and 2 for MSMSM \code{Spectrum2} objects. Levels > 2 have not been tested and will be handled as MS2 spectra. } \item{\code{peaksCount}:}{Object of class \code{"integer"} indicating the number of MZ peaks. } \item{\code{rt}:}{Object of class \code{"numeric"} indicating the retention time (in seconds) for the current ions. } \item{\code{acquisitionNum}:}{Object of class \code{"integer"} corresponding to the acquisition number of the current spectrum. } \item{\code{scanIndex}:}{Object of class \code{"integer"} indicating the scan index of the current spectrum. } \item{\code{mz}:}{Object of class \code{"numeric"} of length equal to the peaks count (see \code{peaksCount} slot) indicating the MZ values that have been measured for the current ion. } \item{\code{intensity}:}{Object of class \code{"numeric"} of same length as \code{mz} indicating the intensity at which each \code{mz} datum has been measured. } \item{\code{fromFile}:}{Object of class \code{"integer"} referencing the file the spectrum originates. The file names are stored in the \code{processingData} slot of the \code{"\linkS4class{MSnExp}"} or \code{"\linkS4class{MSnSet}"} instance that contains the current \code{"Spectrum"} instance. } \item{\code{.__classVersion__}:}{Object of class \code{"Versions"} indicating the version of the \code{Spectrum} class. Intended for developer use and debugging.} } } \section{Extends}{ Class \code{"\linkS4class{Versioned}"}, directly. } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{\code{acquisitionNum(object)}}{ Returns the acquisition number of the spectrum as an integer. } \item{\code{fromFile(object)}}{ Returns the index of the raw data file from which the current instances originates as an integer. } \item{\code{intensity(object)}}{ Returns an object of class \code{"numeric"} containing the intensities of the spectrum. } \item{\code{msLevel(object)}}{ Returns an MS level of the spectrum as an integer. } \item{\code{mz(object)}}{ Returns an object of class \code{"numeric"} containing the MZ value of the spectrum peaks. } \item{\code{peaksCount(object)}}{ Returns the number of peaks (possibly of 0 intensity) as an integer. } \item{\code{rtime(object)}}{ Returns the retention time for the spectrum as an integer. } \item{\code{tic(object)}}{ Returns the total ion count for the spectrum as a numeric. } %% -------------------------------------------------- %% \item{clean}{\code{signature(object = "Spectrum")}: Removes unused 0 intensity data points. See \code{\link{clean}} documentation for more details and examples. } \item{plot}{\code{signature(x = "Spectrum", y = "missing")}: Plots intensity against mz. See \code{\link{plot.Spectrum}} documentation for more details. } \item{quantify}{\code{signature(object = "Spectrum")}: Quatifies defined peaks in the spectrum. See \code{\link{quantify}} documentation for more details. } \item{removePeaks}{\code{signature(object = "Spectrum")}: Remove peaks lower that a threshold \code{t}. See \code{\link{removePeaks}} documentation for more details and examples. } \item{show}{\code{signature(object = "Spectrum")}: Displays object content as text. } \item{trimMz}{\code{signature(object = "Spectrum")}: Trims the MZ range of all the spectra of the \code{MSnExp} instance. See \code{\link{trimMz}} documentation for more details and examples. } } } \author{ Laurent Gatto } \note{ This is a virtual class and can not be instanciated directly. } \seealso{ Instaciable sub-classes \code{"\linkS4class{Spectrum1}"} and \code{"\linkS4class{Spectrum2}"} for MS1 and MS2 spectra. } \keyword{classes}