\name{plotGOgraph} \alias{plotGOgraph} \title{Graphical Representation of GO Based MLP Results...} \usage{plotGOgraph(object, nRow=5, main) } \description{Graphical Representation of GO Based MLP Results} \value{GO graph is plotted to the current device} \arguments{\item{object}{object of class MLP (as produced by the MLP function)} \item{nRow}{number of GO IDs for which to produce the plot} \item{main}{main title of the graph; if NULL (default) the main title is set to 'GO graph'} } \examples{if (require(GO.db) && require(Rgraphviz)){ pathExampleMLPResult <- system.file("exampleFiles", "exampleMLPResult.rda", package = "MLP") load(pathExampleMLPResult) plotGOgraph(exampleMLPResult, main = "GO Graph") }}