\name{MEDIPS.mergeFrames} \alias{MEDIPS.mergeFrames} \title{ Merges genomic coordinates of overlapping frames into one supersized frame } \description{ In case, the MEDIPS.diffMethyl function was excecuted by setting the value of the step parameter < the value of frame_size the parameter, one may end up with overlapping significant frames. For these cases it is worthwhile to merge overlapping regions into one supersized frame. } \usage{ MEDIPS.mergeFrames(frames = NULL) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{frames}{ is a matrix received by the MEDIPS.selectSignificants() function. } } \value{ The remaining distinct frames are represented only by their genomic coordinates within the returned results table \item{chromosome}{the chromosome of the merged frame} \item{start}{the start position of the merged frame} \item{stop}{the stop position of the merged frame} The results table does not contain any merged rpm, rms, variance, p.value, etc. values. } \author{ Lukas Chavez } \examples{ regions=as.data.frame(list(chr=c("chr22", "chr22"), start=c(1000, 1250), stop=c(1500,1750))) regions.merged=MEDIPS.mergeFrames(regions) regions.merged }