\name{isHomoList} \alias{isHomoList} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ Determines whether a list is homogenous } \description{ If a list contains objects of the same class with the given class name, we call it a homogenous list and the function returns \code{TRUE}, otherwise it returns \code{FALSE}. } \usage{ isHomoList(list, class) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{list}{ A list } \item{class}{ The class name to be validated} } \value{ logical } \author{ Jitao David Zhang \url{mailto:j.zhang@dkfz.de} } \examples{ testlist <- list("home1"="Hamburg","home2"="Heidelberg", "home3"="Tianjin") isHomoList(testlist,"character") testlist$lucky <- 16 isHomoList(testlist,"character") }