\name{bconv} \alias{bconv} \title{Client-side interface to obtain the KEGG ids for external gene IDs} \description{ Given a gene identifier, the functions queries KEGG to retrieve the appropriate KEGG ID. } \usage{ bconv(id.list) } \arguments{ \item{id.list}{a character vector containing the IDs that you wish to convert to KEGG IDs. These IDs must have the appropriate prefix!} } \details{ Depending on the kind of ID you wish to convert, you must use the appropriate prefix followed by a colo and then the correct ID. Prefixes supported by KEGG: External database Database prefix ----------------- --------------- NCBI GI ncbi-gi: NCBI GeneID ncbi-geneid: GenBank genbank: UniGene unigene: UniProt uniprot: } \value{ The functions return a named vector with your initial IDs as the names and the appropriate KEGG IDs as the value. } \references{\url{http://www.genome.jp/kegg/soap/doc/keggapi_manual.html}} \author{Marc Carlson} \examples{ try(bconv("ncbi-geneid:10")) try(bconv(c("ncbi-geneid:100008586", "ncbi-geneid:10"))) } \keyword{ datasets }